How to Create a Sustainable Homework Routine (& Revision!) 🌟 Let’s Minimise Stress x

Hey guys!! I really hope this helps you implement a more sustainable homework/revision routine. It’s all about repetition and consistency, not burning yourself out aaaand trying to stay on top of things pretty much as soon as you’re set them! I hope this short video helps ☺️

This video is also part of a mini international studytuber COLLAB!! Woahhhhh!! Ruby Granger and I have been speaking with StudyWithJess for quite a while and thought it could be cool to make some videos on the same theme! Combatting the stresses of school and caring for your mental health are so so important. ✨ Be sure to check out their videos and subscribe to them both!! Jess also has an online series called Life of Jess which is very cool x


Please please don’t be ashamed to admit if you’re struggling with school, academic stress or mental health. There. is. no. shame. Please reach out to someone you know and trust, or feel free to contact an online charity such as Childline if you just want someone impartial to talk to! I love you, I believe in you and I truly hope you love and believe in yourself!! ✨ x

Hi my name is Jade and welcome to UnJaded Jade! I post every Wednesday about varying topics I truly care about, from self confidence and veganism, to academic help and motivation πŸ’›
How old are you? – 18
Which camera do you use? – Canon 750D
When did you start your channel? – 17th Feb 2017

P.S i love you. so much. thank you for finding me and for being here and for gifting me your time. you are so loved.